Keep brains active this December

The holidays are a great time to relax and spend some time together as a family.
It’s also the perfect time for your child to recap what they have learnt this term and start working on their learning goals for next year!
At Explore Learning, we find that children who attend our tuition centres regularly in the school break, just a couple of times a week, continue to progress. Whereas those who switch off from learning take a little time to get back into the rhythm of school and their progress can take a dip.
We know that you’ll all be busy in December, but there are lots of things you can still do to keep your children’s brains active:
Read, read and read some more!
This is a lovely thing to do as a family. If your child’s not so keen to read, then why not pick a book that’s been made into a film? Encourage your child to read the book and then have a movie night to watch the story unfold on screen.
Play some board games together.
Many use maths, language, memory and logic skills. Try Bananagrams, Sum Fun, Yahtzee or 5 Second Rule.
Write a blog
You can write about anything but to start with why not write about what you did as a family over the holiday? – we’d love it if you share it with us, too!
Our members can also make use of their Explorer Maths accounts at home. 15 minutes every other day is a great way to stay ahead of the game.
Learning is for life, not just for Christmas! Find out how we keep our members engaged all year round – explore our maths and English tuition.
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