Professional Tutors
Everything is possible with an Explore Learning Tutor by your side.

Explore Learning tutors are special
Our tutors are enthusiastic, empathetic and talented individuals who are dedicated to making a difference to your child.
All our tutors:
Love to learn and have had great personal success in their own education at GCSE, A-level or degree
Are employed, interviewed, recruited, DBS checked and trained by us
Are trained in tailoring, targeted interventions, coaching and behaviour management
Believe in your child's ability to learn without limits. They are the ultimate cheerleaders

Explore Learning Tutor
"The students are fantastic and I love seeing them progress both academically and in terms of their mindset. We have a very supportive team who all work really hard to make a difference to every child that we meet."

Explore Learning Tutor
"It's amazing to have a job where you can see the difference you are making every day and to work in a space that is so positive and vibrant. I love seeing our members grow more and more confident in their learning each time I see them."

Explore Learning Tutor
"Building relationships with children and their families is a real joy. I love seeing the children grow in confidence every session and seeing the smiles on their faces when they hit a milestone they've been working towards."
Our 10 year old daughter has shown significant progress in English and maths since her 121 online sessions started. Both her confidence and enthusiasm for learning have massively improved... We are so grateful for the support Explore are giving her in the lead up to her SATs in year 6. Thank you!
Lesley Sutherland
Our son has been doing online lessons during Years 8 and 9. He finds it engaging and really enjoys his sessions. Also, it's helped him immensely at school. His maths teacher told us that only twelve other students had reached his level in maths, amongst 360 students in his year. She is planning for him to do further maths at GCSE. His English teacher said that he is at the top of his class. I don't think any of that would have happened without the additional input of Explore Learning.
I am extremely happy with Explore Learning! My daughter Mila started a few years ago and then since Covid she has one to one online lessons. She has just successfully passed 11+ exams to the best Grammar Schools in our area and we could not be happier. Explore Learning plays a huge part not only in Mila’s academic achievements but also in building her confidence, curiosity and love for learning. Thank you so much!

How our tutors support your child's learning
Using our smart learning tool, our tutors can focus on the areas that make the most difference to your child's development.
Explaining difficult concepts
Motivating and celebrating your child's efforts
Getting the balance between independent and supported learning just right
Instilling positive learning habits that can have a life-long impact on your child's learning
Flexible tuition to suit your family from £114 / month
Available online or in your local centre.
Group or 1:1 sessions
1 or 2 sessions per week
Tuition from £114 / month
Available in centre or online
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No joining fee
In centre or online
Memberships to suit you
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No joining fee
In centre or online
Memberships to suit you
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No joining fee
In centre or online
Memberships to suit you
What we teach
Trust us to achieve your child's next learning goal, but we won't stop there. We'll also develop skills and learning attitudes for life.

Maths and English tuition
Reception to Year 9 (or P1 to S3 in Scotland)
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11 Plus and Entrance Exam Tutors
Year 4 and Year 5 (or P5 and P6 in Scotland)
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SATs preparation and tutoring
Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and Key Stage 2 (Year 6)
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GCSE Maths tutoring
Years 9, 10 and 11
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Why choose us?
We're here to take the worry out of your child's education journey and the leg work out of finding a tutor.
If your child needs extra maths and English support, help with a test or is ready for a new challenge, you can trust us to meet their individual needs.
Expert support
Our tutors are supported by a team of experts who provide development opportunities and training to ensure their knowledge in curriculum changes and teaching methods is always up to date.
What does a professional tutor do?
At Explore Learning we recruit professional tutors. They are interviewed, hired, DBS checked and are trained by us. We look for tutors with a passion for learning, who are skilled at presenting information in a way that children understand, who are patient and thoughtful in the way they explain tricky concepts and have a thorough understanding of the curriculum they are teaching.
What type of tutoring is available at Explore Learning?
All tutors at Explore Learning support children on an individual basis. In our learning centres, tutors support a maximum of 6 children at a time whilst online tuition is delivered 1:1.
How do I find a good private tutor?
It can be tricky to know where to start with finding a good private tutor. That's why at Explore Learning, we take care of selecting a tutor for you. You can trust us to employ highly-skilled and energetic tutors to work with your child. They all have enhanced DBS checks, regular safeguarding training and work with knowledgable managers who support them in their professional development.
Will I always have the same tutor?
Your child will be allocated to a tutor but they may also receive support from other tutors and centre managers during their time at Explore. Any new tutors will always be informed about your child's current learning needs and we ensure everyone interacting with your child is trained and DBS checked.
Do your tutors support children with Special Educational Needs?
Yes. Our tutors are experienced at supporting children with a wide variety of needs including autism, dyslexia, ADHD and many more. We recognise every child is unique and will approach learning differently. During your first visit we will work with you to identify the way your child learns best and advise whether our programme will be the right fit for them.