Bright Horizons

Reserve GCSE Maths tuition through your back-up family care benefit

Exciting news — Bright Horizons and Explore Learning have partnered to enable you to use your Back-Up Care uses for Virtual Tutoring.

Older girl on a laptop with an Explore tutor on screen.

What is included?

For students:

  • GCSE maths tuition individualised to their unique needs

  • Unlimited access to our revision materials and mock papers

  • Recognition of progress awards

For parents:

  • 24/7 access to your child's learning programme

  • View your child's progress, track the skills they are mastering and the learning goals they are achieving

  • Tutor feedback after every session

How it works:

  • This virtual solution matches your child with one of our professional tutors

  • Weekly or bi-weekly tutored sessions are led through a live online smart learning platform*

  • Your Back-Up Care uses can be exchanged for Virtual Tutoring in four-hour blocks (4x 1-hour weekly sessions)

More information can be found on your Back-Up Care portal.

*Virtual tutoring credits cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or membership type, including in-centre tuition in Explore Learning's physical centres. If you are a family with multiple children looking to have tuition, it is possible to have one of your children attending in-centre sessions paid by direct debit and your other child attending online sessions paid by Bright Horizons credits. However, your children will be supported by two different Explore teams."
A calendar icon against a green circle

How do I book?

To reserve Virtual Tutoring, please log-in to your Back-Up Care account, click on the yellow Virtual Tutoring button on the homepage, and follow the steps.

If you're still unsure take a detailed walk-through on how to book.

Before you book

Find out your grammar school requirements.*

*If your child is planning on attending an independent school, please research the school requirements prior to making your booking.

If you're a first-time user, you may be prompted for your employer username and password when registering. This can usually be found on your company's intranet page - or by calling UK: 0800 247 1101 IE: 1800 303 5008

The opening screen of Explore Learning's smart learning tool where a child can select from a number of subjects.

What happens next?

  1. You will receive a first session reminder with your login details and link to your Member Portal.

  2. We recommend you log in to Member Portal before your first session to familiarise yourself with all of the resources available to you.

  3. You don't need to wait for your first session to start making progress on Compass. Start an independent session and begin your assessment now. Remember, we want to get an accurate idea of what your child knows so please don't give them the answers to tricky questions!

  4. Go to your child's dashboard on Member Portal at your scheduled session time. Click 'Join this session' and you'll meet your tutor!

A young black teenager sits at a desk with an open laptop and notebook in front of him.  On the screen there is an Explore tutor smiling back at him.

Our tutors

Explore Learning is renowned for recruiting and developing the highest quality tutors and providing exceptional levels of safety.

All our GCSE tutors are:

  • DBS checked and employed directly by Explore Learning

  • High flyers, achieving personal success at maths GCSEs, A-level or degree

  • Supported by expert education advisors

  • Fantastic role models and peer mentors

  • Skilled at keeping students on track and coaching exam techniques

Kelsey- Tutor

Meet Kelsey, Explore Learning Tutor

I always look forward to any sessions, as I get to see the phenomenal progress my students make. One of my students said she really wanted to take Further Maths following a few sessions with me - something she would not have considered before her sessions with Explore. I was delighted to hear this.


What are your opening hours?

Monday-Thursday we are open 11am-8pm. Friday we are open 9am-6pm and Saturday we are open at 9am-5pm. Sunday we are closed.

Just a reminder, if you purchase credits from anytime after our closing hours on Saturday, we will be in touch within two working days.

What happens when I make a booking?

Once you have completed your booking using your virtual tutoring credits, you will receive an introduction call from your Explore Learning management team within 48 hours.

Please note that once a booking has been made, your child’s tuition sessions must begin within a month. You cannot make a booking more than a month in advance of wanting to begin tuition.

When should my tuition begin?

You will receive a call within 48 hours from our expert team. They’ll be on hand to answer any questions you may have and to get you set-up and ready for tuition!

Your child’s sessions will usually start within a week of this set-up call, based on both your and our tutor's availability.

Please note that tuition sessions must begin within a month of your original booking. You cannot make a booking more than a month in advance of wanting to begin tuition.

How long will virtual 1:1 tutoring credits be available?

Your sessions must be attended within 12 months from the date your most recent booking was made.

What if I want to purchase more credits to use for tuition?

If you love the tuition and would like to book additional sessions, please go back to your Bright Horizons Back-Up Care Portal to spend more credits on virtual tuition. We will be in touch when your credits are close to coming to an end. We will then confirm when your re-booked credits have been received.

How do I get my child ready for their online session and keep them safe online?

Whilst we recognise that some children may prefer to undertake sessions independently, a parent/guardian should remain nearby for the duration of any member’s session – to be available for feedback at the end and respond to concerns or emergencies throughout. We also advise that younger members and those with additional medical or educational needs are supervised at all times.

Full details on the responsibilities that we expect our members, their families and our staff to adhere to, to ensure everyone is kept safe when working online, can be read within our Online Safety Policy & Procedures.

Where parents or staff are concerned that a child may be vulnerable to or experiencing online abuse or exposure to inappropriate content when working online, they must follow company Safeguarding Procedures and report concerns immediately as advised.

Does your tutoring align with the different curriculums in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland?

Yes. Explore Learning is mapped to school curriculums; National Curriculum, Curriculum for Excellence, Northern Ireland Curriculum and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

My child has Special Educational Needs (SEN). Can they benefit from tuition with Explore Learning?

Children are unique in their own individual way. Your tutor will get to know your child’s learning habits, so will be the best person to advise you on how they can support your child. If you have any concerns or questions about this, you can speak to the Explore Learning team prior to booking.

I have multiple children, can they have the same tutor or be in the same tutoring session?

Every child has their own individual tutoring session with maths and English questions that are tailored to them and their specific individual learning needs. This means that siblings or children of the same household cannot share the same tutoring session. However, it is possible to have the same tutor for each of your children, based on tutor availability. These tutoring sessions will still be at different times.

I already have a child attending tuition in an Explore Learning centre  / I want to get my child started in an Explore Learning centre. Can my child have both an in-centre and credits based online membership?

Virtual tutoring credits cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or membership type, including in-centre tuition in Explore Learning's physical centres. If you are a family with multiple children looking to have tuition, it is possible to have one of your children attending in-centre sessions paid by direct debit and your other child attending online sessions paid by Bright Horizons credits. However, your children will be supported by two different Explore teams.

What is the cancellation policy for virtual 1:1 tutoring reservations?

When you request virtual 1:1 tutoring through the Back-Up Care website, you exchange use of Back-Up Care for tutoring hours. At that point, the hours are credited to your tutoring account and any adjustments to your tutoring schedule will be managed with Explore Learning. You are unable to cancel your membership before your exchanged Back-Up Care has ended, or have your Back-Up Care uses returned to you, but you can re-schedule sessions with Explore Learning in the event you are unable to attend one.

Can I take an extended break from my booked sessions?

Unfortunately, sessions are booked on a continuous weekly basis. Therefore, breaks aren’t permitted and children must have at least one session per calendar month in order to keep their session slot. Going on holiday? Please refer to the below point, ‘What happens to my sessions when I go on holiday?

How do I reschedule booked sessions?

You can reschedule your sessions on your Members’ Portal up to 8 weeks in the future. For the best availability, please reschedule your sessions as far in advance as possible and 48-hours before your session. Please note you cannot reschedule sessions to a different day and time past your credit spend end date.

Please note: If you need to reschedule a session including 11 Plus/Entrance Exam or GCSE session, you will need to do this with your team directly.  For contact details of your centre team go to the My Account section on your Members’ Portal. Our dedicated team are available Monday to Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm. Please note we are closed on Sundays.

Please note:

If you need to reschedule a session including 11 Plus/Entrance Exam or GCSE session, you will need to do this with your team directly.  For contact details of your centre team go to the My Account section on your Members’ Portal.

Our dedicated team are available Monday to Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm. Please note we are closed on Sundays.

Can I reschedule a session if I miss it?

You can’t reschedule a session if you’ve missed it. All sessions must be rescheduled in advance of the session start time.  If a session is missed, you will not be entitled to receive a replacement session. Instead, you have 24/7 access to your child’s tailored programme where they can resume their study independently, prior to their next tutored session.

How much notice do I need to give for rescheduling a session?

For best availability, we ask that you reschedule your session via your Members’ Portal, at least one week in advance. If you need to reschedule your session with less than a week’s notice, there may be limited availability.

You’re unable to reschedule your session with less than 48-hours’ notice.

Please do contact your centre team to discuss any extenuating circumstances.

Will my rescheduled session be with the same tutor?

We cannot guarantee that rescheduled sessions will be with the same tutor; this will depend on our teams’ availability alongside yours as a family.

I can’t attend my session and need to cancel it, what do I do?

It is always best to reschedule your session so your child can continue progressing towards their learning goals. However, we understand that sometimes there are circumstances which mean you can’t make your session and can’t reschedule it either. If you wish to cancel your session, you can do this up to 48-hours before your session via your Member's Portal.

If you choose to cancel your session we will add another session on to the end of your credit series (this must be attended within 12 months of your original booking date).

What happens with my sessions when I go on holiday?

To ensure you are making the most of your tuition membership with Explore Learning, we ask that your child attends at least one session per calendar month during the school holidays. Keeping your child’s attendance consistent over the schools holidays will support them in making better progress. If you can’t make your regular day and time, don’t forget to reschedule your session to a time that suits you.

You can still attend sessions whilst you are abroad on holiday (not permanently). If you wish to do so, please speak to your Explore Learning Team.

If you are going on holiday and wish to reschedule or cancel your sessions, you have two options:

  • To reschedule individual sessions, you can do so via your Members’ Portal. You can manage your sessions up to 8 weeks in advance. For the best availability, please reschedule your sessions as far in advance as possible, up to 48-hours before your session.

  • You can alternatively cancel individual sessions up to 48-hours before your session and

    you can do so via your Members’ Portal. If you choose to cancel your session we will add another session on to the end of your credit series (this must be attended within 12 months of your original booking date).

Please note: you will only be able to bring sessions forward ahead of their scheduled time if they are in the same calendar month.

Can I access my sessions if I'm not living in the UK or Ireland?

Except for Ireland, we do not accept any international members. This includes existing UK members who are moving abroad on a part time, temporary or permanent basis. We do however permit online sessions to take place while abroad on holiday. Please inform your Explore Learning Team if you are residing in an international country.

How do I move my regular weekly sessions to another day or time?

If you are looking to permanently change your session to another day or time, please contact your centre team who will help you with this. For contact details of your centre team go to the My Account section on your Members’ Portal. 

Our dedicated team are available Monday to Thursday 11am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-5pm. Please note we are closed on Sundays.

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